Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Case of the Missing Puffles

1. Talk with Aunt Artic.

2. Click on Map.

3. Go to Ice Rink.

4. Go right.

5. Get the pictures.

6. Go to Aunt Artic's.

7. Give her the pictures.

8. Go to Pet Shop.

9. Go left.

10. Click on the note.

11. Use your code box to read the note.

12. It'll say: "G has (they change the number every time so there is no exact!) pairs of socks.

13. Go to sports shop.

14. Click on G.

15. Click Yes Please!

16. Click Do you have any SPECIAL items?

17. Type in your number and then click This is my answer.

18. Click on May I see some Spy Gadgets?

19. Drag the Life Preserver Shooter to your inventory.

20. Go to the Ice Berg.

21. Use the Preserever Shooter and save all those penguins! *But becareful! The shooter is very light so you have to watch the wind and shoot at a good angle!

22. Talk to the Green Penguin.

23. Go to the Ski Mountain.

24. Click on your spy phone.

25. Click on tools.

26. Drag the scool driver and click on the telescope holder.

27. Click on the telescope and go left.

28. You will see the Green Puffle and click on I'm done looking through now.

29. Go to Sports Shop and get the grapling hook.Go to tallest mountain and shoot the grapling hook twards the top!

30. You'll see the green puffle and click on the thing you are going to say and you'll see the purple puffle.

31. Click on the picture the purple puffle snap (optional) to see the picture.

32. Click on the thing you are going to say.

33. Talk to Aunt Artic.34. Get both stuff and click on End Mission.

Now you finished the FIRST MISSION!!!!!